
The maximum length is 25 double-spaced pages including a bibliography. Submission must be sent as a Microsoft Word document and typed in Times New Roman, font size 12. An essay-type submission should contain the following:

a) Title: a journal-type two-level title, i.e., a catchy statement followed by a more descriptive sentence – max. 16 words in total (e.g., Icarus Falling: Audience Vulnerability Achieved Through “Queerly Distorting” the Superhero Genre).

b) Abstract: a 150–250-word long summary of your argument.

c) Keywords: 5-6 key terms used in your essay (theories, methods, approaches, but also important names, geographic locations, historical periods).

d) Body Copy: the main text of your essay organized in short paragraphs (optimum is 4-5 sentences per paragraph).

e) Subheadings: brief, max. 4–5-word statements that help to organize and guide reader through the text (one per every 2-3 pages).

f) Bibliography: you can use any citation styles commonly accepted in your discipline (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) – must be consistent

Creative Material (Visual or Audio)

First, you would need to make an appointment with one of our editors and agree on how the digitized material will be delivered to the journal (The Underground website, e-mail attachment; CD; jump drive; posted on YouTube; etc.).

Any visual or audio/video contribution must be accompanied by an artist’s statement of min. 700 words in Times New Roman 12.

An artist’s statement provides the audience with an explanation and contextualization of the artwork. This enables them to interpret the work while still reflecting on the artist’s original creative intent. Additionally, the artist’s statement should demonstrate the author’s understanding and awareness of the social, political, economic, and cultural context within which she or he creates.

An artist’s statement will contain the following:

a) Title: (you may follow the option required for essay submissions, but it is not necessary).

b) Abstract: about 100–150-word long summary of the statement.

c) Keywords: 5-6 key terms that capture the essence of your artistic creation (techniques and instruments that you used, theories, methods, approaches, but also important names that inspired your work).

d) Body Copy: the statement itself is organized in short paragraphs (optimum is 4-5 sentences per paragraph).

e) Bibliogrpahy: you can use any citation styles commonly accepted in your discipline (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) – just be consistent.